
Our Approach To Sustainability

Sustainable practices are essential to ensuring that Bluesky Oil Productions Onshore BV continues to thrive in the long-term, and that it remains one of the world’s largest integrated energy and chemicals companies throughout the global energy transition.

Sustainability factors have become increasingly critical for Bluesky Oil Productions Onshore BV, as it aims to balance profitability, environmental protection, and the growth and prosperity of the communities in which it operates.

We recognize the scale and urgency of the climate challenge. We are leveraging our unique platform to play our part in the energy transition, underpinned by our ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions across our wholly-owned operated assets by 2050. 

Environmental Policy

We take all possible measures to preserve the environment and rationally use the natural resources at its fields and license areas. It adopted an Environmental Policy in 2012 and since then has been improving its implementation and increasing environmental protection spending every year.

Environmental Monitoring

Bluesky Oil Productions Onshore BV is implementing a corporate program of environmental protection measures and activity monitoring, which includes the following:

  • Careful use of indigenous peoples’ territories

  • Improving waste management systems

  • Careful monitoring of emissions, soil quality, groundwater, and surface water on the territory of the company’s operations

  • Other measures aimed at protecting the environment

In addition, in highly sensitive environmental areas, the Group studies and protects the habitats of endangered animals, birds, and plants.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

One of our priorities in the field of Environmental Safety is reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced by flaring associated gas. The Group’s goal is to increase its level of associated gas utilization to 95%.

With the construction of the Yaraktinsky gas cycling facility in 2016, the Group began to re-inject associated gas back into formation at Yaraktinsky field. Every year, the Group launches new compressor units, increasing the volume of re-injected associated gas. The cycling process not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also allows saving methane for future use, thus being an example of rational resource use.

Protecting water resources

We strives to protect both surface and subsurface water resources and minimize its impact on water resources at all stages of exploration and production. Its efforts include constructing sewerage networks at its fields, as well as installing modern sewage treatment plants for domestic wastewater. In addition, we conducts regular monitoring of the chemical composition of wastewater, soil, and groundwater at historically contaminated territories.